A Guide to HDB Flat Priority Schemes

13 Jun 2023
by info Passion

Are you a first-timer or someone in urgent need of housing? If so, you'll be glad to know that there are priority schemes in place to increase your chances of successfully booking a Housing and Development Board (HDB) flat during the regular Build-to-Order (BTO) and Sales of Balance (SBF) sales launches. These schemes cater to specific groups, such as first-time applicants and those with immediate housing needs. To find out more about these seven priority schemes offered by HDB, read on here!


The Parenthood Priority Scheme (PPS) aims to support first-time married couples who are expecting or have a Singaporean child below 18 years old. Through this scheme, they are given priority in the allocation of housing units. Up to 30% of Build-To-Order (BTO) units and 50% of Sale of Balance Flats (SBF) units are reserved for applicants under the PPS.

For families with three or more children, there is even better news. They not only benefit from the PPS but also from the Third Child Priority Scheme (TCPS). Under the TCPS, up to 5% of BTO and SBF units are allocated for such families.

When you apply, your application will first be included in the balloting process with other TCPS applicants. If the balloting is unsuccessful, your application will then be considered again under the PPS.

Additionally, the Assistance Scheme for Second-Timers (ASSIST) sets aside up to 5% of 2-room Flexi and 3-room BTO flats in non-mature estates for divorced or widowed parents with children below 18 years old. This quota is part of the 30% quota designated for second-timer applicants.

Couples/ families wanting to live near or with their parents

  • Married Child Priority Scheme (MCPS)

Want to live close to your parents while having your own space? Consider the Married Child Priority Scheme (MCPS). By applying for MCPS, you increase your chances of getting a new flat if you want to live near or with your parents for mutual support.

To qualify, your new flat must be within a 4km radius of your parents' HDB flat or private property. The MCPS is not limited to just married couples; engaged couples and parents wanting to live with or near their married child can also apply.

To give you an idea of the flats prioritized under MCPS, the table below provides a summary of the quota allocated in each new project:

  • Multi-Generation Priority Scheme (MGPS)

If you're a married child who wants to live closer to your parents, the Multi-Generation Priority Scheme (MGPS) might be the perfect option for you! Under this scheme, you can apply together for two flats in a single BTO project. This increases the chances of both parties staying in the same area or even on the same floor! We have a heartwarming story from a 60-year-old couple who purchased a BTO flat under MGPS to be closer to their family. You can read about their experience here.

It's important to note that parents applying for a flat under MGPS are only eligible for a 2-room Flexi or 3-room flat.

  • Senior Priority Scheme (SPS)

The Senior Priority Scheme (SPS) is designed to support elderly residents who wish to live near their married children. This means you can reside within a 4km radius from the HDB flat or private property where your children live.

The SPS is also applicable if you're an elderly resident looking to buy a new 2-room Flexi flat and want to age-in-place within a familiar environment. This means you can live within a 4km radius of your current flat or private property.

During HDB sales launches, at least 40% of the 2-room Flexi flats for each BTO project will be reserved for elderly applicants. And within that quota, 20% will specifically be set aside for eligible elderly under the SPS.

Tenants of HDB rental flats

  • Tenants’ Priority Scheme (TPS)

Do you dream of owning a home after renting for some time? Well, here's some good news for HDB tenants! If you have been renting an HDB flat for at least two years and are ready to buy a flat, you can apply for a 2-room Flexi or 3-room BTO (Build-To-Order) and SBF (Sale of Balance Flats) units reserved exclusively for tenants under the Tenants' Priority Scheme. To increase your chances of success in the ballot, you can download and share the provided infographic on HDB's flat priority schemes or visit the HDB InfoWEB for more information. So, give it a shot and may luck be on your side!

Source: mynicehome.gov.sg


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