A Millennial Mum Shares Her HDB BTO Flat Buying Journey

19 Jun 2023
by info Passion

Gwendolin, a 33-year-old who recently received the keys to her BTO flat in Bidadari, decided to share her first homebuying journey on social media. Instead of the usual Facebook or Instagram post, she opted for TikTok to document her experience.

Sharing our first homebuying journey on social media is common, usually through platforms like Facebook or Instagram. However, Gwendolin, a 33-year-old who recently obtained her BTO flat in Bidadari, decided to document her experience on TikTok. She applied for the BTO flat during the February 2016 sales exercise and just received the keys from HDB. Alongside her family, including her 1-year-old daughter, Gwen shared TikTok videos showcasing their new flat, highlighting features like the environmentally-friendly toilet bowls provided by HDB.

Gwen and her husband chose a 4-room unit due to their preference for an open kitchen concept and the decent-looking backsplash that allows them to save on additional renovations. Their BTO project is conveniently located near schools and a short walk from Woodleigh MRT station. Additionally, it was one of the first developments to implement the Pneumatic Waste Conveyance System (PWCS), ensuring efficient waste disposal.

In an interview with 99.co, Gwen discusses her homeownership journey and offers advice to potential and new homeowners. She explains that the decision to apply for a BTO flat stemmed from the advantages of having a brand new unit with minimal maintenance issues. They also considered that renovation costs for newer flats might be lower compared to resale flats.

While they experienced some delays due to the pandemic, Gwen expresses gratitude for HDB prioritizing their key collection. As they were living with their in-laws and had a child, they reached out to HDB to request expedited key collection. Despite the delay, they began planning renovations in advance and were able to start the renovation works as soon as they received the keys to their flat.

Gwen’s husband and daughter spending time in their new home while planning their renovations. Photos: Gwendolin Mah

Did you take up any housing grants for the flat?

Regrettably, we did not meet the criteria for the Special Housing Grant (SHG) as it is only applicable to 2-room Flexi, 3-room, or 4-room flats in non-mature estates. Bidadari, being a part of Toa Payoh town, falls under the mature estate category. Although we missed out on the grant, we were fortunate to receive additional ballot chances through HDB's Married Child Priority Scheme.

As a mother and wife moving into your new home, what insights have you gained through the experience?

My husband and I found ourselves in a situation where we had to live with our in-laws while waiting for our new apartment to be ready. Although we could have rented a place, we decided against it and discovered that it wasn't as bad as we initially thought. This experience made us consider the possibility of living with them again in the future, whether to take care of them or for childcare reasons. However, living with in-laws means abiding by their rules since it's their place, which can sometimes be frustrating when we desire more freedom.

Moving into a new home after having a child has its advantages. Our daughter gets to spend time with her grandparents, and we have additional help at home while she is young.

Any advice for young, millennial Singaporeans making their first home-buying journeys?

If you're certain that you've found the right partner early on, it might be a good idea to start looking for a flat together sooner rather than later. This is especially true if you want to have some quality time in your own space as a couple before starting a family. Don't be disheartened by the potentially long waiting period. It gives you the opportunity to save up for a nice renovation, so you can create a home that truly reflects your style and preferences. This advice is adapted from an article on 99.co, a property platform in Singapore that provides information about resale HDBs for sale and rent. You can read the original article here.

Source: mynicehome.gov.sg


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