A Guide to a Modern Monochrome Home

15 Jun 2023
by info Passion

Monochromatic homes are gaining popularity for their practical yet stylish appeal. Monochrome simply means using different shades of a single color, and the grey monochrome palette stands out as a crowd favorite.

If you're seeking renovation inspiration, here are four tips to design your own Kinfolk-inspired home.

  1. Play with Textures and Patterns

To avoid a flat look in an all-black, white, and grey interior, incorporate texture. Consider adding a woven rug, patterned wallpaper, framed paintings, or even zebra prints. Introduce curvy furniture like couches and coffee tables to bring character and dimension to your home.

  1. Start Subtle

While a dark charcoal grey room may be tempting, it can be overwhelming in large amounts. Opt for painting most of your walls in a light, warm grey and reserve the intense shade for a focal point like a feature wall. Remember that paint tends to appear darker on walls than in the can, so choosing a lighter shade can help avoid surprises.

  1. Strike a Balance

Although an all-grey decor exudes sophistication, introducing neutral colors such as cream, beige, and brown helps balance the color palette and prevents monotony. This approach allows the room to maintain an elegant and chic ambiance.

  1. Include Contrasting Accents

Going monochrome doesn't mean you can't inject some vibrancy. Be versatile by adding pops of color through furniture or accessories like rugs and centerpieces. Additionally, incorporating accent materials like wood adds visual interest to your decor.

Share your own monochromatic home tips by hashtagging your photos with #LeposhDesign on Instagram!

Source: mynicehome.gov.sg


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