Common Fire Hazards: Fire Prevention & Safety Tips

10 Jun 2023
by info Passion

When it comes to fire prevention, it's important to be proactive rather than reactive. Knowing the common fire hazards and taking necessary precautions can safeguard the home we've worked so hard to build from the devastating effects of fire. To ensure the safety of our investment, it is crucial to equip our homes with fire alarm devices and fire extinguishers. These tools play a significant role in preventing fires and preserving our property.


Hey, here's some useful info for you!

Starting from June 2018, it's required to have smoke or heat detectors in all new HDB flats. It's always important to prioritize fire prevention as the best way to stay safe. Keep reading to learn about common fire hazards at home and how you can take steps to prevent them.

Personal Mobility Device (PMD)


Don't charge your PMD battery overnight or without someone present. Also, keep the charging battery away from flammable items like books and curtains.

Before buying a PMD, make sure it's an LTA-approved model and registered with the LTA. This rule applies to used PMDs too. If you break this rule, you could face a penalty of up to $5,000 in fines and/or a jail term of up to three months. This penalty applies to owners who modified their LTA-approved PMDs as well.

Kitchen Stoves

Don't charge your PMD battery overnight or without someone present. Also, keep the charging battery away from flammable items like books and curtains.

Before buying a PMD, make sure it's an LTA-approved model and registered with the LTA. This rule applies to used PMDs too. If you break this rule, you could face a penalty of up to $5,000 in fines and/or a jail term of up to three months. This penalty applies to owners who modified their LTA-approved PMDs as well.


It only takes a short time for a pot or pan to get too hot and start a fire, so make sure you don't leave your cooking unattended. Also, remember to keep flammable liquids like cooking oil and anything that can easily catch fire away from the stove to prevent accidents.

Power Sockets


Overloading power sockets can lead to electrical fires, so it's important to use them safely and only use the provided number of sockets. Make sure to turn off and unplug any electrical appliances that are not being used.

Incense Sticks and Candles


To prevent fires, make sure you keep lit incense sticks and candles away from curtains or anything that can easily catch fire when exposed to the flame.

Cigarette Butts


If you see smoke, there's likely a fire. Please avoid tossing lit cigarette butts into the trash chute or bin.

You can feel confident knowing that there are multiple safeguards in position to safeguard your apartment, even in the unfortunate event of a fire. For more information, take a look at our home insurance guide!



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