Must-Know Air Conditioning Maintenance Tips for Home Owners

08 Jun 2023
by info Passion

Don't overlook the significance of regularly maintaining your air conditioner! Given Singapore's tropical weather, it's common for households to have air-conditioning units. If you want to ensure that your air conditioner functions well and has a longer lifespan, follow these helpful tips for maintenance.

1. Clean the Filters

Your air-conditioner usually has filters placed behind the front cover that stop dust particles from getting into the evaporator coils. Over time, these filters gather dirt and dust, which can obstruct the airflow and lower the cooling effectiveness. That's why it's essential to clean your air-conditioner filters at least once a month.


Air conditioning maintenance tip #1: Give your filters a proper cleaning!

Before you start, make sure your air-conditioner is switched off from the main power source. Take a close look at the filters to see if there are any signs of damage, and if you spot any, it's time to replace them.

If the filters are still in good shape, grab a vacuum cleaner and remove all the dirt and grime that has built up. Then, use warm water and a small amount of detergent to wash the filters. Give them a good rinse and dry them thoroughly before putting them back in the air-conditioner.

2. Clean the Coil Fins

Another important tip for maintaining your air conditioner is to clean the filters. Although filters help prevent dust from dirtying the cooling coils, some particles can still get into the fins of the coils, which can eventually affect the performance of the air conditioner.

It's a good idea to clean the fins along with the filters. You can use a vacuum cleaner or a brush to remove any dirt. However, be careful not to use wire brushes or hard-bristle brushes as they can damage the thin and delicate aluminium fins.

Alternatively, you can spray a commercial cleaner on the fins as instructed and allow it to soak in and loosen the debris. Repeat the application of the cleaner until the fins are clean.

3. Engage a Professional

Besides the routine maintenance of your air conditioning system, it's important to hire a professional regularly to take care of it. Specifically, the condensing system needs servicing either every six months or once a year, depending on how often you use it.

Typically, the contractor will inspect and clean all the components of your air conditioner, such as the outdoor condenser, individual indoor fan coils, controls, thermostats, and refrigerant system. This ensures that everything is in optimal working order and functioning smoothly.


Make sure to insulate the refrigerant pipes of your outdoor condenser and properly drain the condensation water from your air-conditioner into a nearby internal drainage opening. This will prevent any water leaks that could inconvenience your neighbors or people passing by on the lower floor.

If your outdoor condenser is leaking, you may consider installing HDB's patented air-conditioner tray. Just keep in mind that the arrangement for this service is between you and the vendor.

Remember, regular maintenance of your air conditioner will keep it in good condition and save you money in the long term. Take a look at our guide for more tips on home maintenance.



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