Choosing Lighting Fixtures for Your HDB Home

16 May 2023
by info Passion

Here are some tips for finding the perfect lights for your home, whether you're looking for pendant lights or desk lamps!

Gone are the days when fluorescent tubes were the default choice for home lighting. Nowadays, there is a wide variety of lights available in different designs and functions. The right lighting fixtures not only provide the right amount of light for your desired atmosphere but can also serve as eye-catching pieces.

Here are some suggestions to help you select lighting fixtures that suit your home:

  1. Consider the Style: When shopping for lights, keep your interior design style in mind. If you prefer a simple and clean look like Scandinavian, Japandi, or minimalist styles, opt for sleek lights such as pendant or track lights. These fixtures have subtle designs that will complement these styles. On the other hand, if you prefer a bolder style, a glamorous chandelier might be the perfect choice.

  2. Placement: Place statement pieces strategically in prominent areas to enhance the overall theme and create the desired ambiance. Popular spots include above the dining table, in the living room, or next to the bed.

Areas to brighten

Photo: Passion Home

When selecting lighting fixtures, take into account the size and shape of the area you want to light up. For bigger areas, traditional ceiling lights are the most reliable option. They are typically positioned at the center of a room to ensure even illumination across the entire space.

Alternatively, you can think about using downlights as a smaller and more affordable option. These lights can be installed in multiple units to ensure adequate illumination. Their compact size also makes them suitable for tight areas where ceiling lights cannot fit, like the spaces between rooms or inside wardrobes.

Purpose of the Space

Photo: Home Designing

Are you planning to spend a lot of time working or reading in the room? Or do you want it to be a place where you can relax and unwind after a tiring day?

Reading for extended periods can be tough on your eyes. To make it more comfortable, use a good desktop lamp that allows you to adjust the brightness and minimize glare. Additionally, make sure to have a ceiling light that complements the overall lighting in the room, creating a balanced contrast between the ambient light and your desktop, which will further help reduce eye strain.

Photo: The Wedding Vow

When creating a room intended for relaxation, think about incorporating cove lights. These are discreet lights that are usually installed in ledges or recesses and emit a gentle, diffused glow toward the ceiling or floor. They add a touch of luxury to the space while remaining hidden from view.

Remember, lighting plays a crucial role in designing your ideal home!




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