Reno Hacks: Choosing Good, Affordable Materials

29 May 2023
by info Passion

Choose the appropriate mix of materials to fit your renovation budget! Although renovation involves various factors like design and labor, materials play a crucial role. They form the literal foundation of your project.

Flooring can consume a significant portion of your renovation expenses, so homeowners are always seeking cost-effective options to make their budget go further. To save you the trouble of researching, we have compiled a practical list of budget-friendly materials for each area of your house.

Wall Finishes: Traditional Matte Paint

Interior Firm: Metier Planner

Many homeowners are well-acquainted with painted walls, which are widely chosen for their affordability and easy installation compared to wallpapers.

However, it's important to be aware that certain types of paint can be considerably more expensive than others. For instance, paints with additional features like air-purifying, anti-bacterial, or odorless properties can cost around $80 or more for a 5-liter container. On the other hand, the standard matte paint typically costs around $50 or more per 5 liters.

Interior Firm: Jubilee Interior

If you don't prioritize these health advantages, you can simply choose regular matte paint. Homeowners with a limited budget can even think about doing the painting themselves. This will save a few hundred dollars, as a typical paint package for a 4-room flat usually costs around $1,000 or more.

Opt for Vinyl Flooring

Vinyl has recently become a popular choice amongst homeowners because it’s so affordable. Typically priced at about $4.50 – $8.50 per square foot, vinyl is a pocket-friendly flooring option for the entire home. Other options like parquet or stone tiles can cost more than $10 per square foot.

Interior Firm: Design Plus

Vinyl tiles/strips can be placed on top of existing tiles, reducing the need for extensive renovations. Vinyl floors offer practical benefits such as water resistance, fire resistance, and a comfortable feel when walking on them. This makes them a good choice for households with kids or older individuals.

On the downside, vinyl floors are susceptible to dents and scratches caused by sharp objects or furniture. It's important to carefully align each vinyl piece during installation to prevent gaps that could lead to water damage.

Choose Laminates for Your External Carpentry Finishing

Laminate finishes are a favored option when compared to alternatives such as wood veneers and melamine, thanks to their reasonable cost and wide variety of available finishes.

Interior Firm: Authors Interior and Styling

Plain colors and smooth surfaces are usually cheaper than designs with prints (like wood or marble patterns) or textured finishes. Likewise, laminates that have added features like anti-fingerprint or scratch-resistant properties will be more expensive.

Interior Firm: Design 4 Space

Typically, a regular laminate sheet measuring 2.4m x 1.2m will cost around $30 or more for solid colors, and between $40 and $50 or more for wood or marbled patterns. Nonetheless, since one sheet is sufficient to cover multiple cabinet doors, the overall cost difference is unlikely to be substantial.

Opt for White PVC for Your Internal Carpentry Finishing

PVC and polykem are highly popular materials commonly employed for the interiors of cabinets. Typically, white PVC is frequently selected as a cost-effective option, with colored PVC and polykem following suit in terms of pricing.

Interior Firm: Black n White Haus

Please be aware that while PVC is generally durable and can resist scratches, it can be damaged by heat and water. Over time, white PVC may also become discolored quite easily.

Consider Laminate for Your Kitchen Countertops

Interior Firm: erstudio

Laminate countertops are the least expensive choice when it comes to kitchen countertops. There are other options available like solid surface, engineered quartz, and natural stone, but they become progressively more expensive. Laminate tops are basically plywood slabs that are covered with a laminate finish.

Interior Firm: Schemacraft

Laminate countertops offer a great range of design options, resembling real materials such as stone or wood. With proper maintenance, they can also have a similar lifespan.

Interior Firm: Authors Interior and Styling

If you frequently cook, it's a good idea to choose a tougher material like engineered quartz that can withstand high heat. Just keep in mind that if the surface or sealant gets damaged, you won't be able to repair it and will need to replace the entire countertop.

Consider Ceramic for Your Bathroom Tiling / Kitchen Backsplashes

Ceramic is a type of clay-based material used for various surfaces like homogeneous, porcelain, and ceramic tiles. These tiles are strong, durable, and can withstand water well. Because of these qualities, ceramic tiles are quite popular, with prices ranging from $3 to $15 per square foot.

Interior Firm: Charlotte’s Carpentry

Homogeneous and porcelain tiles, known for their durability and low moisture absorption, are a great choice for outdoor spaces. Their higher firing temperature and kaolin content contribute to their sturdiness. However, it's worth noting that these types of tiles are slightly more expensive compared to ceramic tiles. The cost may also vary depending on the design and place of manufacture.

Interior Firm: Aart Boxx Interior

However, when it comes to tiled backsplashes, cleaning can be a bit of a challenge. The grout lines tend to capture food spills and grease, making them hard to remove. If you frequently cook, it might be more suitable to consider a smooth glass panel instead, as it doesn't have the same cleaning difficulties.

This information was modified in partnership with Qanvast, a renowned renovation platform in Singapore that helps homeowners connect with the right interior firms for their home makeovers.



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