Reno Journey: An Architect’s Home – Transforming (Pt. 2)

19 May 2023
by info Passion

Join us as we delve into the homes of HDB residents in this captivating 3-part series, where you'll witness the remarkable evolution of their flats into stunning abodes.

Embark on a captivating journey with us as we step into the homes of HDB residents in this engrossing 3-part series. Prepare to be amazed as their flats undergo incredible transformations, becoming truly beautiful homes.

Homeowners: Geoffrey and Sian Ching Location: Tampines Type of flat: 5-room BTO

In the second installment of this series, we continue to follow Sian Ching and Geoffrey's renovation journey, observing their gradual realization of their plans. If you missed part 1, take a moment to acquaint yourself with this fascinating couple's story here.

Homeowners Sian Ching and Geoffrey

We heard that you faced an unexpected challenge soon after renovations began?

SianChing: We started renovating in January 2020, but everything came to a stop during the circuit breaker period. We were only able to resume the renovations in July, which was 5 months later.

Geoff: Our carpenter, who is based in Malaysia, faced difficulties entering the country. Because of this, we couldn't proceed with installing the furniture, even though it was ready. The customized furnishings and fittings are a significant aspect of the flat, so the completion of our renovation relied heavily on when we could get the carpentry work done.

Sian Ching: Since both of us work in the construction industry, we understand the process and know that we can't speed it up much. We also didn't want to hire another worker to help with the installation, so we had no choice but to wait patiently.

Customised furniture designed and built for the couple’s house

Due to the challenges brought about by the pandemic, renovations ground to a halt.

Did you have to make adjustments to your initial plans and designs?

Sian Ching: As we progressed, we ended up selecting different materials, like laminate for the carpentry. Initially, Geoff wanted the cabinets in the living room to be black, but I felt that the color would be too overpowering for the space. Instead, we chose a dark brown laminate that matched well with our sofa.

Geoff: Finding the right materials and samples was quite a challenge. We had to physically examine and feel the samples before making our final decision. Homeowners should research materials themselves and not limit their options to what the interior designer presents. It's important to have open discussions with your interior designer and not be afraid to share your thoughts.

Did you make any other design modifications?

Sian Ching: We wanted a distinct bed frame design that would match the overall interior style. Since we couldn't find one in any store, we took matters into our own hands and designed it ourselves.

Geoff: For the headboard, we opted for a combination of leather and wood paneling. We made sure it was seamlessly integrated with the switches to keep the visual appearance tidy and uncluttered.

A draft render of the bedroom, designed by Geoffrey

Next in this series, we’ll bring you on a tour of Sian Ching and Geoffrey’s fully renovated flat!



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