What you should take note of in your HDB flat renovation? Here are a few useful tips

19 Dec 2023
by info Passion

With HDB resale transactions reaching record levels, it indicates a significant surge in renovation activities for HDB flats. If you are planning to renovate your home, there are several crucial considerations to keep in mind. In this article, we will explore some tips for renovating your HDB flat.


Extend of work

Initially, it is crucial for you and your partner to determine the scope of the renovation. Are you aiming for a complete overhaul, or is the focus on specific areas like the bathrooms and kitchen? Whatever your choice, be aware that certain HDB renovation projects necessitate obtaining a permit, a topic we will delve into later. The decision regarding the extent of the work leads us to the second point, which is budget. Keep in mind that all renovations must be concluded within 3 months for BTO flats and 1 month for resale flats.



Once the scope of the required work is established, the next concern is budgeting. A survey conducted with several interior design firms reveals that the average cost for renovating an HDB resale unit is approximately $40,000. This estimate covers flooring, potential floor and wall hacking, plumbing, electrical work, and painting. It excludes appliances and furnishings. However, it's important to note that this figure is a general estimate, and costs can vary based on individual flat characteristics and the scope of work. For a more accurate assessment, it's advisable to obtain a quote from your chosen interior design firm. Additionally, it is crucial to allocate a contingency budget of around 20% to address unforeseen issues such as water seepage or corrosion, ensuring preparedness for any unexpected challenges.


Renovation loan

Renovation loans, available from various banks and lenders, typically offer lower interest rates compared to personal loans. The interest rates commonly range from 3% to 4.5%, with loan tenures spanning 1 to 5 years, and in some cases, up to 7 years depending on the bank. To determine the most favorable rates, tenures, and any promotional packages or administrative fees, it is advisable to directly inquire with the banks or lenders.


Interior designer or contractor

Opting for an interior designer may result in higher costs, as they create designs based on your preferences. Interior design firms typically collaborate with preferred contractors, streamlining the process and providing a single point of contact. On the other hand, engaging a contractor requires you to have your own design or theme, as they focus solely on executing renovation works.

When working with contractors, coordination may be necessary with different parties for tasks such as flooring, plumbing, and electrical work. The chosen interior design firm or contractor can often assist in obtaining the necessary HDB renovation permit. Alternatively, individuals can apply for the permit themselves through the HDB online portal.

For a list of HDB-approved renovation contractors, you can refer to this link. However, it's crucial to note that certain renovation works are strictly prohibited, including hacking and removal of structural members, excessive overloading of floor slabs, plastering of ceilings, partitioning with combustible materials, raising floor levels beyond the allowed thickness, extending floor areas over void spaces, repositioning or enlarging chute openings, painting external building parts, installing awnings or fixtures outside the flat, laying floor finishes outside entrance doors without recess areas, removal of pitched roof ceilings, and changing the use of planter boxes.

For the complete list of prohibited renovation works, please refer to the HDB website under Renovation Guidelines.



Whether you engage an ID firm or a contractor, it's essential to establish a timeline. For resale flats, all renovation works must be completed within a month. Having a timeline enables you to plan casual visits to monitor progress and prepare for any potential delays.

Request a schedule from your designer or contractor outlining the execution of the renovation. This provides visibility into the timely completion of the work and allows you to anticipate any challenges. You can align this timeline with sourcing appliances and furniture, coordinating delivery schedules accordingly.

Before commencing the renovation, ensure that the ID firm or contractor prominently displays your permit, either outside your unit or in the lift lobby, to inform neighbors about the upcoming works. It's also crucial to remind the ID firm or contractor to clean up all debris and dispose of unwanted items appropriately.


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