Maintaining Vinyl Flooring : A Beginner's Guide

20 May 2024
by info Passion

Maintaining Vinyl Flooring:  A Beginner’s Guide


Maintaining clean flooring is essential for any HDB unit. Installing and maintaining floors in your HDB unit often requires a significant financial investment in property renovations. Therefore, ensuring proper cleaning is crucial. Dirty floors not only detract from the aesthetics of a space but also harbour plenty of bacteria, potentially jeopardizing the health of inhabitants. This is particularly important for homeowners with kids or pets.

Numerous HDB owners are opting for vinyl flooring due to its affordability and durability. Particularly for areas in homes with high foot traffic, its water-resistant properties make it a popular choice among Singaporeans. However, there is a lack of awareness on how to professionally maintain vinyl flooring. But fret not, this blog will offer effective strategies to ensure the proper upkeep of your HDB vinyl flooring!



Vinyl, is a versatile material predominantly made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC). This synthetic polymer is valued for its durability, resilience, and adaptability to various design requirements. In our vinyl products, PVC serves as the core component, contributing to the material's strength and long-lasting nature, making it an ideal choice for modern and stylish flooring and wall solutions.




  1. Daily Cleaning

Maintaining your vinyl flooring in top condition is simple with a daily routine. Regularly remove debris using a soft-bristle broom or a vacuum attachment to avoid scratches. Paying attention to these small details is essential for preserving both the durability and aesthetic appeal of your flooring.

  1. Regular Mopping Techniques

While vinyl flooring boasts water resistance, excessive moisture can still infiltrate its gaps and cause damage over time. When damp mopping, ensure your mop is well-wrung and use a mild vinyl floor cleaner or a solution of water with a few drops of dish soap. Steer clear of unknown harsh chemicals or any abrasive cleansers, as they can dull the surface over time.

  1. Protectors & Pads for Furniture

Vinyl flooring is renowned for its scratch-resistant properties, typically enduring regular furniture movement without issue. However, when dealing with heavier items, exercising caution is imperative. Utilizing protectors and pads becomes crucial to safeguard your flooring. With these measures in place, you can confidently move furniture, mitigating any concerns about scratches by lifting them carefully.

  1. Clean up any spills immediately

Accidents are bound to happen, and spills are unavoidable. However, preventing stains and damage requires quick action. Immediately clean up spills with a soft, clean cloth or paper towel. For tougher stains, use a vinyl floor cleaner recommended by the manufacturer, and make sure to follow the directions carefully.

  1. Use Rugs and Doormats

To keep your HDB vinyl floors in pristine condition, consider these straightforward methods. Lay area rugs in high-traffic areas and position doormats at doorways to minimize the dirt that gets tracked in. Make sure the rugs have non-slip backing to prevent accidents. By following these simple steps, you can maintain clean walls and well-preserved vinyl floors.

  1. Control of Humidity and Temperature

Use blinds or drapes to shield it from excessive sunlight and prevent weather damage. If the humidity is high, be a considerate host and bring in a dehumidifier. Treat your floor like royalty by keeping it out of direct sunlight to prevent fading. Additionally, close the windows when it rains to protect your flooring from water damage.

  1. Avoid Using Harsh Chemicals

Although vinyl flooring is chemically resistant, it's crucial to avoid abrasive cleaners, which can damage the surface. Instead, choose pH-neutral solutions specifically designed for vinyl flooring and follow the manufacturer's recommendations. This approach ensures thorough cleaning without compromising the durability of your vinyl floor.



Vinyl flooring, known for its water resistance and durability, requires careful cleaning to maintain its best condition. To keep your vinyl floor looking good and lasting long, follow these essential tips. For enhanced maintenance, it's advisable to seek professional assistance from flooring companies. At Panelcraft, we offer the highest quality HDB vinyl flooring for your home. Contact Panelcraft for more details and personalized guidance on maintaining your vinyl flooring.


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