Maintenance FAQs

How to clean Vinyl Flooring?

Cleaning vinyl floors requires a straightforward cleaning routine. Wiping or vacuuming is sufficient for cleaning your vinyl floor on a daily basis. Removing dust with a broom or vacuum cleaner avoids the build-up of dust and dirt and makes it easier to maintain your floors..

Every week, or more often if necessary, it’s enough to wipe the floor with a damp mop or a cloth moistened with warm water and a neutral detergent. This helps to remove dirt and keep the floor in top condition. Keep in mind that you don’t need a large amount of water to clean your floor.

How to maintain Vinyl Flooring?

Don’t leave spills on the floors to air dry.

Do wipe up spills as soon as they occur to prevent any damage.

Don’t use a vacuum with the beater bar turned on

How to clean Fluted Panel?

Clean the wall
Cleaning your fluted panel feature wall in Singapore is a convenient way to maintain its appearance and prevent the buildup of grime. Gently dust the walls using a soft, lint-free cloth or a microfiber duster.

Utilize a cleaning solution
To remove grease, tough stains, or smoke residue, it is necessary to use a cleaning solution. Create a mixture of warm water and a mild cleaner like dish detergent. Fluted panel feature walls in Singapore are typically finished with sealant or veneer, which protects them from moisture. Apply the prepared cleaning solution to clean the exterior of the panels, ensuring no grime, stains, or damage occur. Avoid using strong alkaline solutions, solvents, or abrasive cleaners to remove stains.

Clean the wooden wall panels
Dampen a sponge or soft cloth with the prepared cleaning solution and wipe it across the entire wall. Before cleaning, wring out the cloth or sponge to remove excess water. Test the cleaning solution on a small area before applying it to the entire wall. Begin cleaning from the bottom and work on small sections, moving to the next section after completing one. While wiping the wall, be gentle to avoid streaks and drips.

Allow the wall to dry
Use a clean, dry cloth to dry the panels. You can also speed up the drying process by turning on a fan at full speed.

Cleaning fluted wall panels is a simple task that will leave your home walls looking fresh and revitalized.


How to maintain Carpet Flooring?

To prolong your carpet lifespan, long–lasting appearance, comfort and durability is to vacuum it often, as it prevents dirt embedded in the carpet’s pile. This should be performed on a daily basis especially for moderate and heavy-traffic areas. Your warranty is not valid if the carpet is not maintained correctly or if improper cleaning methods or chemicals are used. Harsh cleaning and improper chemicals can damage your carpet permanently.

For sprouts and snags, cut with scissors. Please do not pull them or you may damage the carpet.

Hire professional cleaner every 12–18 months, depending on human traffic and other factors like frequency of vacuuming and the texture of the carpet.

If your carpet is burned, cut away the tops of the dark part. If the burn is serious, the carpet may require replacement.

In case of extreme flood like overflow of water during washing or other leak, the carpet needs to be dried comprehensively by a professional cleaner with the appropriate equipment.

How to maintain TableTop?

For iQuartz products, click here

For Kompacplus surfaces,



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